General Tsing Shi Taotitle=

General Tsing Shi Tao
Nuke General China

General Tao is the instigator of the "Lucifer" program whose first prototypes appeared in 2029.
Lucifer, the most terrifying and most formidable weapon known to date, is the centerpiece of an arsenal based on nuclear technology.
Indeed, Tao has developed new bomber fighters of unparalleled power and has equipped its defenses, tanks and helicopters with tactical atomic charges known under the sweet name of ''ATRS. ''

Buildings of the army

Icon Name Description
Nuclear Storm Nuclear StormLaunches a burst of missiles with nuclear warheads.
ATRS Turret ATRS TurretThis defense building is equipped with an ATRS
Gattling Turret Gattling TurretThis defense building is effective against aviation and infantry
Satellite Center Satellite CenterAllows to generate money thanks to satellite hack
Hack Center Hack CenterThis center can accommodate 3 hackers

Units of the army

Icon Name Description
Mig 25 Mig 25This new generation of Migs is far more resistant and powerful than the older generation. The Mig 25 is equipped with 4 missiles.
Lucifer LuciferEndowed with an extraordinary range, Lucifer is able to decimate whole armies with his double barrel before being even seen. This new generation of Nuke Cannon is faster, better armored and can be equipped with Emperor tank upgrades
Noctifer NoctiferTwice as cheap, this bridled version of Lucifer is equally formidable and easier to deploy on the front.
Nuke Helix Nuke HelixThis improved version of the Helix is initially equipped with 4 ATRS missiles
VRS VRSThis lightweight vehicle is equipped with a versatile rocket system (VRS) that is effective against both land and air targets
Shark SharkThis new helicopter of the Chinese army is a rapid and effective intervention unit
Hackvan HackvanThis van is initially supplied with 3 immediately active hackers

Upgrades of the army

Icon Name Description
ATRS ATRSThe Anti Rocks Rocket System upgrade can be grafted onto the Overlord tanks and the Helix. The ATRS can be equipped with tactical atomic charges thanks to the improved Tactical Atomic Bombs available at the Silo of Nuclear Missiles.

Special Powers

Icon Name Description
Nuke Bomb Nuke BombDrops an atomic bomb on target
Neutron Mines Neutron MinesThis new Special Power allows to drop a field of neutron mines
Neutron Bomb Neutron BombThis new special power allows you to drop a Neutron bomb on enemy troops anywhere on the map

Army Modifications

- Nuke Cannon is faster, has better range and is better shielded.
- The Migs are more powerful, stronger and better armed than ever.
- The Gattling upgrade for the Emperor and Helix tanks is cheaper.
- Upgrade Satellite Hack 2, the flame of the Dragon tank, the CME tank, the Gattling turrets have been improved.
- Special Power Infantry Training affects tank hunters.
- Frenzy deals 10% Damage and 20% Frequency for 30 seconds, Grade 2 20% Damage and 40% Frequency for 60 seconds and Grade 3 30% Damage and 60% Frequency for 120 seconds.