General Rodall «Demo» Juhziztitle=

General Rodall «Demo» Juhziz
Demolition General GLA

Thanks to the funds he regularly receives from the "organization", General Juhziz has finally bought out an airline that owns a fleet of dozens of commercial airliners.
No one suspected at the time that these aircraft would eventually be stuffed with explosives and used by the GLA to perpetrate more devastating attacks than the others.
In 2030 he organized a concerted attack against the European Central Bank and on the headquarters of the European Union and NATO.
The Europeans, who detected the attack in time, were able to evacuate the target areas and there were no civilian casualties. Nevertheless, the giant craters caused by its attack are still haunting the minds of people all over the globe.

Buildings of the army

Icon Name Description
Quad Stinger Site Quad Stinger SiteStinger Site equipped with a Quad Type gun effective against aviation and infantry
AntiTank Stinger Site AntiTank Stinger SiteStinger Site equipped with an Anti-tank gun
Artillery Stinger Site Artillery Stinger SiteSite Stinger equipped with an artillery cannon

Units of the army

Icon Name Description
Nuclear Bomb Truck Nuclear Bomb TruckThis nuclear truck is equipped with a nuclear charge, capable of destroying anything
Demolition Quad Demolition QuadThis suicidal quad contains more explosives than the motorcycle
Demolition Jeep Demolition JeepThis jeep packed with explosives transports five terrorists on board
Leviathan LeviathanThis new generation of mobile scuds launchers is fearsome
Taipan TaipanEquipped with two search-head missiles, the Taipan is the most formidable anti-aircraft vehicle of the GLA.
Scout ScoutThis new generation of Mobile Radars is fast and can be built in a very short time. It is equipped with scanners with a very wide radius.
Jackal JackalLightweight, fast and heavily armed, the Jackal symbolizes the very essence of the Hit and Run very popular GLA strategy. Designed for attacking in packs, it is formidable for terrestrial but also aerial targets.

Special Powers

Icon Name Description
Suicide Plane Suicide PlaneThis new Special Power allows to direct an Airplane Suicide packed with explosives allowing to scratch from the map a whole base.
Terrorist Paradrop Terrorist ParadropThis new Special Power allows parachuting Terrorists anywhere on the map
Crate Paradrop Crate ParadropThis new special power allows parachuting crates filled with enemy pieces harvested elsewhere on the battlefield. These crates improve the arming of the units, their rank and enable them to raise funds.

Army Modifications

- Upgrades Bomb C404 for the Explosive Trucks and Demolition are initially acquired.
- The explosive Truck is cheaper, faster, is built twice as fast and no longer requires Palace.
- Damage to Jarmen Kell's explosive charges is multiplied by 3 - The explosive traps are now constructed in packs of five.
- Buggies are equipped with ground-to-air missiles.